45. Faith & Work: From Grit to Grace with Jen Alai

29. Christian Business: Vision to Success

45. Faith & Work: From Grit to Grace with Jen Alai

God really is still in the business of working miracles out. You’ll hear how true this is when you listen to this week’s podcast guest, Jen Alai, share her story of overcoming an addiction to alcohol by God’s grace alone. Our messes sometimes become our powerful messages and that is the case with Jen, who is now a Sober Coach, walking others still bound by addiction to the place of freedom that God’s healing touch can provide. 

Connect with Jen: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1646009022600047

Website: https://www.jenalaisobercoach.com/

YouTube :https://www.youtube.com/@JenniferAlai-sobercoach/featured

IG: https://www.instagram.com/jenalaisobercoach/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-alai-63475224b/

Connect with Gayle: 

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